Conscious Living Philosophy

We follow a whole high raw plant-based diet sourcing organic produce from our gardens and local suppliers. Our philosophy “don’t mess with nature” directs us to only minimally process our foods and predominantly eat our food as grown: knowing that nature knows best and has perfectly sun-baked her bounty to perfection. Unprocessed fruits and vegetables are the “star” ingredients in our diet.

  • Detox Retreats and Programs

    We specialise in both water and juice/green smoothie programs catered to your individual needs while relaxing in one of our eco-friendly dwellings. During your stay your progress will be monitored twice daily and you will learn take home nutritional and lifestyle information to support any changes you wish to sustain. A private consultation is required prior to any detoxification program with pre-detox advice to enhance your stay with us.

  • Private Health Consultations

    Susan is available for private health consultations regarding your current health and nutritional requirements. Please fill out the contact form below.

Susan Famularo - PhD in Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition


Susan has had a deep interest in the effects of fasting/detox, nutrition and lifestyle on health for over 35 years. She trained as a General Nurse and after finding that she would rather study preventative health as opposed to disease went on to study further at the University of Natural Health in the U.S. as a Health Doctor PhD and Psychology of Eating Coach.

Together with her partner Lance, they created and directed one of the first fasting, detox and living foods centres in Australia and facilitated living food workshops there. She now resides in Byron Bay on a 17 acres organic paradise and continues to conduct fasting/detox and healthy lifestyle programs and retreats for both individuals and groups around the globe.

Her knowledge, experience and passion complements her practical teaching manner, helping motivate others to initiate the inspiration for change, growth and a reconnection with nature in all aspects of their life. 

Why Detox?

Our bodies are constantly detoxing and eliminating waste. However, given the typical modern diet, lifestyles and toxic environments we have created, our detoxification mechanisms are under stress. They are chronically challenged to keep up with the excessive demand for the removal of toxins and other waste products. Through detoxing, you are given the opportunity to catch up on the elimination of retained waste, reduce your toxic burden, reboot your physiology and improve your health potential. Detox allows our bodies to have a voice and the symptoms experienced (or in other words, how loudly it speaks), will depend on 3 main things.

1. The type of toxins present

2. Amount of toxins present

3. And the health or vitality of the individual

The number one most effective way to recover your health is to remove the cause of disease and to allow the body’s miraculous self-healing, and self-repairing tendencies to have free reign to repair itself. The whole process of detoxification consists of removing toxins from the body. As the body is lightened of obstructions health will improve accordingly.


Contact Susan to enquire or discuss your options


Nutrition and Lifestyle

Here at Inspya we place our emphasis on the 7 main foundational pillars for health:

  1. A whole, high-raw plant-based diet with emphasis on quality and diversity of produce.

  2. Pure water.

  3. Sufficient Rest and Sleep.

  4. Activity/exercise.

  5. Sunlight – is an essential nutrient. Sun exposure is not only essential for our physical health (reduces cancer risk, improves immune function, bone health and much more but sunlight also boosts serotonin levels, assists depression and even helps us produce energy in our mitochondria.

  6. Slow Movement – when we take the appropriate amount of time to experience the various activities of our lives, we are more able to get in touch with what is deeply satisfying and fulfilling.

    Slow Movement is not about doing things slowly. It is about finding the right speed with which to do something in a way that values quality over quantity, long term benefits over short-term gains, and well-being of the many versus the few. In the long run, Slow Movement can ultimately be faster, and certainly better, as we make decisions and act in ways that are more thoughtful and considerate than purely efficiency driven processes. Perhaps the best way to remedy a pace of life that’s gotten out of hand would be, as life coach Blaire Palmer put it, to stop “doing all the time and start being some of the time.”

  7. Pleasure, joy and purpose – there is a difference between pleasure and joy (both of which are important). Pleasure is more of a one-time hit that generates a good feeling, but wears off eventually. Where as joy is achieved from within, and is therefore more sustainable. Having purpose in our lives will not only bring us meaning and worth but a clear and strong purpose will give us an anchor when things are crazy and chaotic… wings to soar when we need.